Getting The Facts: What Is A Mastectomy?- By: William Greenburg

Description : A mastectomy is a medical procedure that is used to remove the breast. Mastectomies are most commonly used as a treatment for breast cancer in both women and men. There are instances where a mastectomy might be preformed as a means of prevention in cases where breast cancer is extremely high. A mastectomy is traditionally different than a lumpectomy as a large portion or the entire breast is removed instead of just a small amount of tumorous tissue. Both treatments of breast cancer are called "local therapies" as they target the specific area of the tumor. Systemic therapies treat the entire body include things like chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or immunotherapy.

The decision to have a mastectomy is based on a lot of factors that include breast size, number of lesions, the aggressiveness of the cancer, whether or not adjuvant radiation is available, and the risk of recurrences. The kind of mastectomy used will also depend on things like the size, location and tumor behavior.

A simple mastectomy is more logistically known as a "total mastectomy." This procedure removes the entire breast tissue but leaves the axillary contents intact. Although this is quite an extensive procedure, the patient is normally able to leave the hospital after a few days. Also it is common for a drainage tube to be inserted during surgery to help remove fluids as healing starts. The modified radical mastectomy is where the entire breast tissue is removed in addition to the fatty tissue and lymph nodes. A radical mastectomy which was first preformed in 1882 is where the pectoral muscles behind the breast and axillary content is removed as well. This procedure is reserved for the most severe of breast cancer cases where the tumors have affected the pectoral muscle and chest cavity.

A skin-sparing mastectomy is where as much of the skin on the breast is saved as possible by removing the tumors through small incisions on the areola. The procedure helps to facilitate reconstructive surgery in the future. There are also nipple sparing or subcutaneous mastectomies where the nipple is preserved. This procedure is only suggested in cases where the tumors are not in the subareolar position.

Although the thought of having a mastectomy is devastating, it has been an effective treatment of cancer dating back as early as 548 AD. Today mastectomies are performed with precision and are almost always coupled with other forms of treatments. For more information regarding a mastectomy, please consult with your physician.

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